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Written-off and Rescheduled Loans

This module will enable you to generate a report about the loans which have been written-off or those whose repayment schedule has been changed due to various reasons.

1. Note that when accessing this report, the written off loan and rescheduled loans are not generated in one report but are separate. You there fore have to specify which of them you want to access. 

2.  In normal practices, loans are usually written off when they are provided for 100%. However the LPF feature to "Write off loans having provision less than 100%" is meant to write off loans in circumstances when they are not 100% provided for but there is every business reason to suggest that the loans will not be recovered e.g when the borrower dies, files for bankruptcy or some kind of disaster happens to the business or borrower.

3. Note that the Loans Written off account will be netted off against the Outstanding Principal to get the Net Portfolio for the period.

4. Ensure the loan reserve fund is not depleted or else the system will not write off the selected loans. This means that you should have done the provisioning and the provisioned amount is sufficient to take care of the amount to be written of. Or else the Loan Loss account should be debited with the amount to make the write of possible.

5. Note that you can view the report on the written off loans that have been repaid at Portfolio/Reports on Repayments/Repayments of Written-off Loans Report.

6. "Write off only loans in arrears beyond the expiry date" is ticked, all loans that are in arrears and are expired will be displayed..

How to view the Written-off and Rescheduled Loans report

To view the Written-off and Rescheduled Loans report you go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Written-off and Rescheduled Loans A screen that looks as follows will appear:


The bookings that will be made after loan provisioning, loan write-off and Repayment of Written-off Loans Report will be as follows:

At loan provisioning

Provision costs for bad loans account Debit  
 Provision for bad loans   Credit

At loan write-off

Provision for bad loans Debit  
Loans written of accounts   Credit

At repayment of written off loans

Cash/bank Debit  
Recovery of loans written off accounts   Credit


Note that Loan Performer offers the flexibility of displaying the report in different currencies.

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Portfolio Report Formats.

Click on the OK to generate the written-off and rescheduled loans report that will look as follows:

Click on the Close button to exit.

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